Services Areas of support
If you are in need of immediate legal assistance in scope of a complicated product matter, a legal opinion is often the best way to go. It will validate the best available solution or keep you from making a mistake. It will also serve as a strong argument in a dispute with official food control authorities and help avoid administrative fines.

Cosmetics / hygiene products
The legal regulations concerning cosmetics may seem complicated. On one hand, the law establishes the aspects of product safety and characteristics as well as the need to include appropriate data on the label, restricts the information we can use in presentations and advertisements of cosmetic products, and establishes registration requirements. On the other hand, the penalties for irregularities may be severe. You need to ensure legal compliance.
Animal feed and pet food
Everything given to both farm animals and pets for consumption falls under the requirements of the feed law. However, this law is very complicated and different animal feed or pet food may be governed by different registration, labelling, or storage regulations. A product, which fails to fulfil them, may be harmful to the animals, sometimes even to humans. In such situations, you risk not only administrative consequences imposed by a controlling authority, but also compensation for the consumer. It is always better to prevent such situations from taking place.
Hemp products
Do you want to join a strong market trend and start a hemp business? Are you already a big player on the market but still having concerns as to the lawfulness of your everyday activity? Whether you are selling a hand cream with hemp extract, CBD oil, or dried cannabis for smoking – we know enough about hemp products so you can stop worrying about your business!
Medical devices
Do you want to market an instrument, device, software, material, or any other article used for purposes of diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, treatment, or alleviation of a disease, injury, or impairment? Is your product intended to examine, replace, or modify the anatomic structure or a physiological process? It may be a medical device.
Smoking/vaping products
Dried herbs, vaping and aromatherapy products, e-cigarette liquids – the market for these products keeps growing. Unfortunately, the law does not always keep up with the trends, which means that there are no simple and explicit regulations. Learn how we can support your business!
Fertilisers and active substances
The fertiliser category is extensive and – besides the fertilisers themselves and their active substances – covers things like soil enhancers, growing media, or growth stimulators.
Chemical substances
The chemical substances in various products may produce a risk to human and animal life and health and have a negative impact on the environment.
All materials and products, which may come into contact with food – including biodegradable trays for ready-to-eat meals from small Polish manufacturers or bamboo spatulas imported from China – are subject to strict safety requirements. When you are marketing them, you are responsible for making sure that these requirements are fulfilled. There are numerous other requirements concerning the documentation of such marketing and labelling of the products. Are you certain that you have fulfilled them all?
Other products
If you want to market a product and are encountering numerous legal concerns, we offer our support and will be glad to answer any questions you may have. Your products may be toys, pet supplies, clothing articles, art supplies, potted plants, clothing and footwear care, decorations, home appliances or electronics, or sporting goods, but one thing is for sure – marketing a product to the letter of the law is a difficult process and requires expert assistance. You need to get legal aid.
Do you have a specific problem in exporting your product or are planning to start expanding internationally? Are you wondering how to prepare a product in accordance with the requirements of the given foreign market? Do you need assistance in placing your product on the market? Does a foreign business partner or administration authority have reservations towards your product? You can count on us.
Agreements and complaints
Do you need a good agreement to secure your interests and limit unnecessary legal risks? Are you uncertain of whether a provision proposed by a business partner is safe for you? A client is challenging your product and you disagree? A consumer is threatening to take a rejected complaint to social media? Someone is spreading false information about your product?
Product Law bulletin
Do you want to be kept up to date on important legal changes concerning your products? Do you want to avoid being surprised by new requirements and responsibilities? The Product Law bulletin is what you need.

Our services are directed to all private and public entities associated with the agri-food sector: individual businesses (manufacturers, processors, agents, distributors, importers) and organisations. We help everyone – from international corporations to start-ups.